Digital Transformation23 November 2012

APAC and Global HR Leaders Gather in Singapore at Cisco

The Chapman Consulting Group co-hosted an excellent HR leaders gathering with Cisco in Singapore this morning. We were joined by a fantastic group of Regional and Global HR Heads. Interestingly 20% were in Global roles which was wonderful to see, to discuss and share their thoughts on HR today.

The discussion began with some shared insight on Talent Management, how high potentials are identified and are they announced as 'Talent'. The long term talent plans of some industries (oil and gas companies) looking as far as 2025 were very different to others struggling to lock in 1-2 year plans (some technology companies) due to the pace and short term shifts that can happen.

The group then centred on sustainability and HR focus for a smaller business with no Global HQ. The opportunity to own the agenda and work so closely with the CEO was widely acknowledged as unique and in contrast to others working through complex matrix organisations.

It was interesting to see that many of the HR leaders felt the chance to build the HR model from scratch can often be hinged on matching with the culture of the business (analytical, data or sales orientated) and helping lock an understandable and engaging HR strategy.

The final topic discussed was how leaders are developing Asian Talent and handling succession.

The key take away for succession and developing Asian Talent were:

  • Have multiple succession plans - having one successor is not enough!
  • Attracting APAC graduates based outside Asia for future talent can offer an untapped pipeline.
  • Organisations with mobility as a core of their talent programme were able to 'shuffle the deck' and have local leadership (FMCG, Oil & Gas).
  • Use overseas assignments to educate both ways, talent coming to Asia then able to translate the region challenges. As well as traditional East to West assignments so talent sees the global picture and build relationships at corporate.

It was a great group with some wonderful sharing and we will be bringing the group together again during Q1 2013.