ChapmanCG News3 December 2010

Regional HR Leaders Join The Chapman Consulting Group to Bid Farewell to an Eventful 2010

Around 30 Regional HR Heads in Singapore from some of the region's largest companies joined The Chapman Consulting Group and Organisation Solutions for their 2nd annual joint Wine and Cheese event this evening. The group represented a good cross-section of leaders from the FMCG, technology, professional services, banking and pharmaceutical sectors.

Earlier in the afternoon, The Chapman Consulting Group joined 14 Regional HR Leaders at Organisation Solution's final Asia Pacific HR Roundtable meeting for the year. The afternoon's discussion focused on the topic of "West moving to East" and analysed whether in fact there is a movement of global positions to Asia. Some members of the roundtable spoke of first-hand experience of global positions moving to Asia with their companies. Other members felt that there was little evidence as yet of this trend in their particular companies.

In the evening Regional HR Heads discussed the year of 2010 in the HR world. It seems that 2010 has been a somewhat exhausting year of high growth for many organisations and their HR teams, but also a lot of consolidation in HR delivery models and geographical regions. A number of Regional HR Leaders spoke of being midway through HR transformations aimed at improving the efficiency of their HR model. Most HR Leaders agreed that the biggest areas of focus now was around attracting and retaining key talent, while at the same time trying to control a growth in salaries. Many felt that good HR talent is becoming harder and harder to find right around the region, especially at the junior and mid-level.​